Kenangan Memori SKD CPNS Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Foramsi 2019 Tahun 2020 Dalam Jepretan Kamera 360

Serah Terima berita acara dan Hasil SKD CPNS Formasi 2019 Kabupaten Aceh Selatan di Gedung Aula Bappeda

The last session of the CAT System Test in South Aceh Regency Bappeda Office Hall is drawn happy face for those who passed Passing Grade and keep smiling for those who have not been lucky whatever the result we get we must be spirited hopefully next year can pass

CPNS CAT system test process can directly be seen by the result of TWK, TIU, crime scene on the TV monitor screen that the Committee has been provided

Panitia Seleksi CPNS 2020 Di Gedung Aula Bappeda sedang melakukan proses Registrasi peserta CPNS dengan semangat dan tertib

On Tuesday February 11, 2020 The implementation of CPNS At Bappeda Building went safe and smooth and enthusiastic applicants who will follow the test orderly

Peserta tes CPNS sistem CAT nampak dari wajahnya semangat mengikuti test di Gedung Bappeda Kantor Bupati Aceh Selatan , Semangattttttt yaa semoga lulus😊😊😊😊

Have a good fight colleagues of cpns in following the test of the paint system may Allah swt always give ease amen

Terima kasih bapak dari Dishub Aceh Selatan atas turut serta menyukseskan pelaksanaan CPNS dengan pengamanan lalu lintas Bravooo Dishub Aceh Selatan 😚😚

Terima Kasih Bapak -Bapak Dari Satpol PP Aceh Selatan atas Bantuan Kemanan dan kenyamanan para peserta CPNS dalam mengikuti seleksi CPNS 2020 semoga Allah SWT senantiasa memberi kesehatan Bravooo Sat Pol PP semoga semakin jaya

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